I actually thought that I would go to bed around 9 pm tonight. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA! What was I thinking?
I ran errands (bank, post office, Target), stabbed myself in the palm of my left hand with a little pocket knife. The gross out factor was much worse that the actual stab. Was supposed to go by the school to buy my book for this sememster and forgot. Go me! Got home and fed BB. Helped AB with a science project (by the way..if you mix corn starch/flour with water it turns into the strangest quicksand stuff...something about velocity and a non-newtonian something or other. If you try this, don't pour it down the sink. It's like cement...sort of. It made a HUGE mess...that I of course had to clean up, but it was waaay cool), made dinner, fed BB her baby food, ate dinner, got BB to sleep. I heard hubby cleaning the kitchen and was like YES! Yeah....well....I appreciate what he did but there were still pots and pans to clean, bottles to wash, counters to wipe down, dishwasher to start, laundry to be done, paperwork for AB that HAS to be turned in, dogs to feed and water...and the list goes on and on. So, I thought, why not just blog instead of getting it all done and getting to bed?
Here is a question for you? Do you just leave your kitchen dirty, chores undone and go to bed? Or are you a neat freak like me and can't rest easy until it's all done?
No news on an appointment for BB. The CFPS did get her records so I have to wait on them to call me back.
Oh, and I've called and emailed AB's social worker about his adoption and have not heard back from her. I also called the attorney we are using (in Dallas) and still haven't heard back from them either. Arrrggghhhh....
Oh, Oh...I found a book that AB has and he is supposed to fill in the blanks, etc. He put his nickname as: Litte Boy. The reason? I am a little boy to my mom. Awww...and yes, I do call him little boy!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
6 years ago
My mom used to recite a little poem that ended with something like, "Dust be quiet, dishes go to sleep...I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep". It was her way of not obsessing over undone housework when we were little and I *tried* to follow that when my kids were babies (but didn't always have the greatest success...sometimes you CAN'T rest til there is another load in the washer!)
you are better than me - if stuff is not done, well, then it is not done. there are many a day that laundry is sitting in a basket for days waiting to be folded or dishes in the sink.
Oh, and I will have to try that science project thing with Colin :)
How sweet - AB calls himself "little boy". Too adorable :).
And I do NOT always clean up before bed. Although I can't cook in a dirty kitchen, so if I didn't clean the night before I'll have to do it before I can make breakfast or it just grosses me out :).
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