My, how she's grown!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bullet Points...too much going on

Life is bullet points it is.

* BB is doing great in her doc band. We went in for a check after five day and her head shape has already changed. Not sure of how the numbers work, but we had 3 mm change in 5 days. We need 16 mm total.  She doesn't even notice it. It was getting a little tight on her forehead and leaving red marks and indentions. I just cried and cried becuase I just knew that she was in pain. I said. She doesn't even notice it. The red marks were because it was getting too tight. It's amazing to think her head can change shape in 5 days!
 People have been really nice. I was so worried aout it.  Yesterday and man looked at her and said, "Hi cutie. Look at your little helmet!" Cue my opportunity to educate. I asked if he knew what it was for. He said no. So I told him. He was super nice. Same thing for the cashier at Target. I actually don't really give people time to ask...I just say something about not being alarmed by her little hat. And then give a quick reason why she's wearing it. I am sooo happy that people have been so nice about it. It was really stupid of me to worry so much. I was letting my vanity for my own daughter guide my thinking. Not a good thing. I realize now that this is absolutely the best thing for her. That is our goal as mothers. Period. Thanks for you kindness in regards to this whole thing.

This photo is a little squished???

* AB is doing great. We are leaving Tuesday night for Dallas for his adoption hearing. The hearing is at 8:30 am on Wednesday so we are going up the night before. It's a 3 hour drive. We are really excited. I can only imagine how it feels for him to know that this is it. He told me that he was so worried that be would turn 18 in foster care and not have a family when he grew up. BREAKS. MY. HEART. He definitely doesn't have to worry about that! I told him that he's going to be around when I'm old and gray. I asked him if he was gonna change my diaper when I got old. He was grossed out! hee hee  I can't wait to share photos of him! Next week my friends! I can't believe how quickly these 6 months have passed. I wanted to get him a gift for Gotcha Day so my husband found a sterling silver dog tag that we are going to have engraved. It is on a chain and has a keepsake box. He loves all things military so it seems appropriate for a lifelong gift! I think he is going to love it. We are getting ready for his Valentine's Day party at school on Friday. I have to make brownies for him to take and he is writing Valentine cards for his classmates. Too cute! It's fun doing all of this school stuff!  How's this for a pretty good glimpse of my gorgeous boy?!

* I was heading to school tonight, after dropping the kids off with my husband, and felt a migraine coming on. My vision got all wonky and I knew that I needed to go home. I took excedrine migraine as soon as I could stop at the pharmacy to buy some. It didn't get too bad. I came home and slept for about 2 hours. It stinks that I missed class, especially since my husband has to leave work early on Monday and Wednesday for me to get there on time. I can go tomorrow night and make up the lecture and lab. But my hubby has to figure out leaving work early yet again. He's sooo supportive and makes it easy for me to continue my education. He is a great guy. He does soooo much and is amazing with AB and BB. He gets AB ready for school every day and usually takes BB so I can sleep in in the mornings. Needless to say, BB is not sleeping through the night. Up 2-3 times. And she only takes 2-3 30 minute naps during the day. Geez...I wonder why I got a migraine? Can we say lack of sleep? Still haven't figured out the studying thing and family thing. First test on Monday and I'm so not ready.

* In laws were here last weekend. They are great and we had a nice time. They bought BB a highchair and she loves it. It's so much easier to feed her in it than her bumbo. They just love the kids and it warms my heart! My mom is coming this weekend and I'm very excited. She does soooo much while she's here and it will be nice to have some help for a few days. My friends keep telling me to let them take the kids and help out. It's just that we can't get our schedules together for it to happen! I want to have a date with H but we just haven't planned on yet. As soon as we do, K and K...look out! I'm throwing the kids your way!!

* My sister is a troubled individual. I'm pretty sure she's bi-polar. She had gastric bypass last year and lost 130 ish pounds in less than a year. Very addictive personalilty, addicted to food before surgery. Can't be addicted to food after surgery so you can imagine what has unfolded. Prescription drugs, alcohol, etc. She has been very unhappy for a long time but it has been utter chaos in her household since surgery. Her 12 year old daughter is acting out and is out of control right now. I've offered for her to come live here for a while because I'm afraid that she's going to hurt herself. 12 years old and on anti depressants, sleeping meds...etc. I totally disagree with this because she can clearly choose how to act. She is an angel when she's with me. And a devil when with her mom. I totally get it. She doesn't know how to handle the chaos that is her family. And I have a 10 year old nephew and 4 year old niece too. Anyway, all of that to say, my sister decided that we would be better off without her and tried to overdose on pills. She got home with her kids and told them to go play. She wrote a suicide note and proceeded to take handfuls of pills. 12 year old finds her slurring and acting drunk and calls 911. Sister is ok...had quite a hangover for several days. And I don't even think she really gets the severity of what she did. Fuel for the fire of 12 year olds behavior. She said that it just hit her and she decided in about 20 minutes to do it. No apologies just happened and there is nothing she can do about it. I have NO idea how to help her. Plus we live in different states. Thankfully. Any ideas? I have no idea about depression as I don't suffer with it.

* My brain has been full and noisy. I don't like it. Very concerned about my sister and her family. Stressed about school. Blessed as all get out to have a wonderful husband and 2 amazing children. Blessed that we don't have to deal with social workers after next week!

I leave you with BB's newest trick. Sticking out her tongue all the time!

She has so much hair all of a sudden! This was today after bath time. She gets 1 hours out of her band a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BB is beautiful! The band is super cute with the little stickers on it! She's so cute, that I can't imagine anybody being turned off by her little "helmet". I'm glad you've gotten positive reactions from stranger - I'm sure it must put your mind at ease!
Congrats on the upcoming "Gotcha Day" for AB!!! I'm so happy that soon he will be a part of your family for good - legally forever! I know he already is, but this special day will mean so much to all of you!
Sorry to hear about your sister - and her poor kids. It must be so frustrating to see what kind of damage she is doing to herself and her kids and not be able to help her. If only she would allow her family to help out the little ones who are the unwilling victims of her behavior. Sometimes all we can do is pray...