My, how she's grown!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Tricks


She started standing in her crib last week (I had to lower the mattress). Needless to say, she was not too happy with me for taking her photo and NOT taking her out of her crib.

And AB's new tricks...on the new Wii. BTW, we got the Wii Fit too. It might kill me...

Not so sure what I think about the wild look in his eye! It was only boxing after all!

Can you tell that he won?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I can't believe it's already summer again. Sometimes living in Austin is like living on the surface of the sun. Every summer I moan and complain, "Why do we live here?! It's sooo hot!!". Then in the winter I'm all, "Oh, I love living in Austin! I couldn't deal with all of the snow!". Geez.

I managed to pass my entrance exam for the nursing program and officially applied on Monday. Who knows if I will get in this time around. If not, I'll just reapply for next year. Trying not to get too worked up over it.

BB is growing so fast and we are already talking about her first birthday party..sob!! I can't believe how quickly time passes. I get tears in my eyes when I think about it. She will be grown before I know it.  She is fully crawling and pulling up on everything. There is no sitting still for me when she's on the move! Sleeping is still sucky. But eating is better. She loves yogurt and I can pretty much hide anything in it. She had her 9 month doctors appointment a few weeks ago. She weighed 17 pounds and was 28 inches long. Her weight is in the 20th percentile and her height and head were the 70th. Ha! Big head...long and skinny.

AB is doing good. Just giving me the typical summer phrase "I'm Bored" all day long. Oh well. Too bad. He is such a home body and doesn't really like going anywhere. But he doesn't want to stay home. Ugh. What to do?! We were going to let him do a few weeks of day camp but now we have decided to visiti with my family. God help me now. It's very stressful to be with them. Hopefully it will be fun, especially for him.

My birthday is coming up and I can NOT even believe that I will be 37 years old! I'm almost 40! When did that happen?

I had all of these grand ideas for a post but now I can't remember to save my life. I'll just have to update later, if I think about it.

And of course, I can't write a post without adding photos..

Look who is in big girl pajamas!!

How am I supposed to wash THIS laundry?!
My girl and me

My babes and me

My sister in law took this photo and I just LOVE it!

Dog days....

Water gun fight with his aunt!