Look who has teeth! They popped through a few weeks ago. One right after the other. It's no wonder that she's been drooling buckets!! I can't believe my itty bitty teeny tiny baby is six months old! How can time possibly pass so quickly?
She is making great progress in her DOC Band. She's been in it for almost 4 weeks. I'm hoping that she only has to wear it for six weeks. We'll see. Her head is rounding out nicely!
She is starting to sit up by herself...for about 20-30 seconds at a time! I"m afraid it won't be long before she crawls! I don't want to rush that one! She is pushing up on her arms...looks like she is doing yoga! And scooting like an inch worm! We go for her 6 month check up on Tuesday and I can't wait to see how much she weighs. She is wearing 9 months clothes because she is sooo long! They barely touch her body around her middle, but she can finally straighten out her legs! She is finally eating pretty well. She averages about 4 ounces at each bottle feed. And she is eating her food nicely! She love the green stuff (peas, green beans), squash and sweet potatoes! She also loves yogurt! I gave it to her for the first time a few days ago. She is just precious and happy and barely fusses. What a great baby!!
AB had an interesting week. He and his BFF get in trouble for horsing around on Wednesday. I got a call from the school principal on Thursday and she said that AB had something to tell me. Oh Geez! Apparently a boy told AB to put a sign on a girl's back that said, "I have a di*k". WHAT?! That is so cruel! Needless to say, he was in big trouble. THEN, on Friday I got a call from a teacher saying that he was breaking crayons and chalk and throwing them across the room. Destroying school property....nice. SO. We saw the therapist on Saturday and really got to the bottom of what was going on. I figured it was because of all of the big changes in his life. I'm not so worried about him getting in trouble with his friend (although he did get in trouble). But the note thing? Turns out that he is scared of this kid that told him to put the note on her back. He apparently has been bullying AB and that's why he did what he said. Still not a nice thing to do, but I kinda get why he did it. And the crayons? Well, some kids were throwing them at him, distracting him from his work, and he got mad and threw them back. Not ok behavior, but again, I get why he did it. And the chalk? Well, he just wanted to draw with it. He swears he didn't break it and didn't throw it. We have had some talks and time together this weekend. Hopefully he will get it together and not get in trouble again anytime soon. Whew! How do parents do it?! Oh wait! I am one! When did that happen?!
Just in case you are wondering, going to school while your husband is working full time and working on his masters degree while raising 2 children is hard! I don't know how other people do it! And I don't work! I know moms that work full time, do the mom thing, and take 2 or 3 classes. They are better women than me!
On a totally different note, I have never really been able to make a pretty fried egg. Well, my mom had a brilliant idea....cook it slowly!! Who knew! Ha!! I was so proud that I took a photo!! I think that over easy fried eggs are just gross. But AB loves them so I had to learn how to make them. They are all jiggly and squishy and runny...and the white part is all slimy...GAG!!
The End