Setting: Dining table eating dinner, the husband (H) is working on a flashlight of AB's to make it work.
H: I think if I can just loosen this one screw that it will work.
Me: Uhhh...ok.
H: Do you have a small screwdriver? Like one for eyeglasses?
Me: Reach down like I'm pulling it out of my a**. {cue crickets chirping}
30 seconds later...
H: I need a small screwdriver.
Me: There is a kit in the black tool box in the laundry room.
H: That sound great!
Me: {Crickets chirping again} Uhh...ok.
H: Staring at me while listening to crickets chirping
Me: So go get them.
H: Rolls eyes, acts like I chopped off his leg.
Me: Ok, so I'll go get the screwdrivers and you can clean the kitchen.
H: That's ok. I'll get the screwdriver.
Dooohhhhh!!! Men!!!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
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