So, my SW thought that it might be a good idea to email ABs social worker to see if that might get the ball rolling. It was really hard to be all nice and crap when I really wanted to rip her a new one. My email basically said that we were really hoping for some info so we know how to plan for summer with trips to Dallas and school, etc. It was a nice but firm email. So, her response can basically be summed up in 4 words. I'm sorry, sending pictures. She didn't answer one question and basically left me even more frustrated than before I even sent the damn thing. She said that every time she thinks that she has everything she needs she is told that she needs something else. I wonder if these people have ever heard of such a thing called a checklist?! Not sure who is telling who what but it seems like the whole ordeal is just one big cluster F. Of course she ends the email with "I hope that we will soon have AB in your home and you will be able to be his forever family". Arrrggghhh!!!! I don't want nice sentiments! I want action!!
This is my husband's response to this email: =)
"Is she sending the photos via e-mail or postal service? It would super cool if we could get them as e-mail attachments. He's probably already grown a moustache..."
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Will nothing light a fire under these people?
If you decided to do adoption again, would you go the same route (is it a state agency)? Do you think you could have avoided this by a different program?
Well, good for you on taking action!
i'd say get on the phone and start phoning her every single day
I'm sorry, I'm out of the loop...but I work in the field so maybe I can help?
Are you working with the county or with a private agency that does foster/adopt? I work for a private company, but I know a lot about how county works too (SLOWLY!).
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