I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and everything went well. I've gained 7 pounds (4 in the last month!). I know this may not seem like much to most, but I'm already overweight. I really shouldn't gain over 20 total. It's sooooo hard to take off. I just have to get a grip on my eating frenzy that I've been having! The NP was very encouraging and said not to worry. Just try to keep the weight gain at about 1/2 lb per week. Fun times. I go back in four weeks and after that I go every 2 weeks. I still can't come to grips that am actually going to have a baby.
I am super frustrated with this whole adoption process right now. I talked to my social worker on Wednesday just to vent my frustrations. We are waiting on AB's social worker to do her thing but she is dragging her feet. It's been 2 months since we were chosen and she still hasn't done anything! We should have at least had our big meeting scheduled by now. Once the referral came to us and we accepted she waited 3 weeks to let us know that she needed additional paperwork completed before we could schedule the meeting. We received it a week later and had it back to her in 3 days. THEN, three weeks later, she says that she needs copies of our 1st aid and cpr certifications. WTH? Why couldn't she have asked for all of this 2 months ago? My social worker is about to strangle her and said that if we don't know something by Monday that she is going to call her supervisor. It's fine that he's not with us yet..he needs to finish out the school year. BUT! At this rate he will get here just in time to start school in the fall. I would like to have him here for a few weeks before school starts. Oh, yeah, and that little detail about me HAVING A BABY!! I just need to stop 'cuz I could go on for days!
I took my last final exam today! Woo hoo! I've finished my first semester! I ended up with an A and a B in my classes. I'm happy with that. This was a stressful semester and it has flown by. I'm so glad to be done. My house is finally going to be clean again! I am taking one class online this summer. I wanted to take one more but every class is full. This really puts a damper on my plans but hopefully a class will open up this summer. There is no way I can take a class in the fall. Especially since they start on August 25.
I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with my husband! We haven't had any time to relax and just hang out in forever. It will be fun!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
WOW do you have a lot going on. You know, everything I hear makes me think that all social workers need to be lined up and slapped silly. What gives?
We are working with two agencies (different states) and let me tell you - they are the most unorganized, inattentive, lazy people I've ever met. I have to stay on both agencies for EVERYTHING. It infuriates me that we are paying them thousands of dollars and I have to be the one to ensure they are doing their job!!!
You are not alone in your frustration!
WOW, that IS crazy! On the bright side, at least now your studies are done (well done) and you can have a bit of a break.
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