I'm sitting a the computer, listening to Michael Buble and feeling this little baby kick me like crazy. It's still just the strangest thing. She got me so hard the other day that it actually startled me and I made that sucking in sound that we make when getting startled!! =) I remember seeing a blog several months ago where the girl was so excited to only have 99 days left. She was finally under the 100 day mark. I remember thinking to myself that I would never get there. It seemed so far away. Well, folks, I'm there. 99 days to go. Of course, it still feels like an eternity sometimes. But dang! Only 99 days left to go!! (26 weeks tomorrow)

My husband took a few days off of work just for fun and it's been nice. We spent the weekend in San Antonio and stayed at the Omni RiverWalk. It was nice and relaxing. Well, except going to the River Walk at night. If you've never been, there are sidewalks on each side of the (mostly man made) river. But there are no rails to keep you from falling in. The river walk is "downstairs" from all of the big high rise buildings downtown. If you were walking around downtown you would have no idea where the river walk is! Anyway, it's kinda scary on a not so crowded day, especially if you are a big klutz like me. But at night? Forget it. It was so crowded and people were so rude that I was done! I just knew I was going for a swim. (The water is only 3 feet deep but it's NASTY!) We finally just went up to the street level and walked around. We have been doing chores since getting home on Sunday and he goes back to work tomorrow. Boo!
Here is the view from our hotel room.
Oh, check this out. On Friday, I emailed AB's social worker and asked when we could expect photos of him. She emailed me back right away and said, "I can email them to you if you like." Now, if I emailed you begging for photos, wouldn't the logical thing be just to email the damn things back? I emailed her back saying yes, please do that and I haven't heard from her since. I emailed my social worker today and asked her if this was actually going to happen. I have my hopes up, we have his room almost finished, but if it's not going to work out, I would rather know now. I wish I had more to tell you but I just don't. I've been saying this for over 2 months, but hopefully we will know something soon.
I'll leave you with some updated belly shots!!
And this is what I feel like!!!
I love the belly shots and feel exactly like the bear!
Oh, in other news, I'm on bed rest! Will blog later - just have to get something urgent done.
You look so adorable!!! I am hoping and praying your little man gets to come home soon!
i love the dress! so cute!!
1 - you look great
2 - boo on your worker
3 - yipee, 99 days
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