My, how she's grown!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 2, 2009

BB has a Cold...

And it's just pitiful! She isn't horribly congested but just enough to scare me to death. Even though she's sick, she is still an angel. Oh, and I've started calling her punkin face. I guess I should come up with something sweeter than that?! Just look at that face! I can hardly stand it. I'm gushing...I know. But dang, I waited long enough and I deserve it!! =)
Here is my Zombie Skateboard Punk! He had a BLAST on Halloween.


Jess said...

This is going to sound so cheesey but I really needed you, and I'm so glad you found me-thank you so much for the comment! I read through most your blog and I was just smiling through my have your adopted son and your miracle baby, you are on lucky lady! Ever since we told friends and fellow bloggers that I wanted to adopt, everyone has shared awful horror stories and your story is a ray of sunshine for me! Thank you so much!

peesticksandstones said...

Awesome photos! But I'm so sorry to hear about the cold. My little peanut had his first cold recently, and it really jarred me -- know I'll have to get used to 'sick kid' stuff, though.

Fortunately, it went pretty fast. This thing called a "Nose Frida" (they sell it at natural stores) helped a ton for sucking out the snot without freaking the baby out too bad.