Some women have no issues getting pregnant, no issues during pregnancy, have perfectly healthy babies, and don't think twice about it. The less you know, the less you have to worry about. Take my sister for instance. She has 3 children. Once she saw that positive pregnancy test there was no doubt that a baby would be there 9 months later. She never worried that she might miscarry. She never looked for blood on tp or tried to eat right and stay away from things like caffeine. Heck, during her last pregnancy, diet coke was her drink of choice! And sure enough, 9 months later she gave birth to her perfectly healthy children.
I am not the least bit ignorant of what could happen...what has happened. I hate so much that the enjoyment of pregnancy has been robbed from me. Instead of dreaming of what my child will be like and how wonderful it will be to bring a life into this world I'm worrying about doubling betas and not bleeding. And making sure I do everything the doctors are telling me to do. To avoid aerobic activity and not lift anything over 20 pounds.
Nothing can be easy apparently. My friend Keri has a friend named Christy. She has had 2 miscarriages and is now pregnant for the 3rd time, with twins, via IVF. First, she had a HORRIBLE case of OHSS. She has been bleeding pretty much since she got her positive test. She is 17 weeks along and has been on bed rest the entire time. Yesterday she went to brush her teeth and realized that half of her face was paralyzed. Long story short, she has Bell's Palsy. 98 out 100 people who have it will make a full recovery. She is worried that she will be one of those 2. Can you blame her? I tell you, it's just not fair.
I have had some very light pink, I wouldn't even call it spotting, on the tp when going to the bathroom. Of course, I'm freaking out. Keri says it's completely normal especially since I am doing the vag. progesterone supps. twice a day. Apparently that can cause irritation. I guess as long as there is no bright red blood there is no cause for immediate concern. Well, even if there is, there is nothing I can do about it. Maybe it's the whole idea of have absolutely no control over the situation that is so hard. I can't figure it out. For now, all we can do it wait.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
6 years ago
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)
I know exactly how you feeling about worrying the entire time through a pregnancy. I'm 37 weeks and after three prior losses, I still can't believe I may actually have a live baby in a few weeks.
I will promise you, however, that you will get to enjoy parts of the next nine months. Yes, there will be loads of worrying, but some of it will be "normal". You'll have fun registering and having your baby shower. You'll love picking out those tiny little clothes for your baby to come home in. You'll get butterflies when you see your nursery all painted and decorated. Although your fears and anxiety may never go away until he/she is in your arms, you will be thrilled to be pregnant and you will have those magical days of dreaming of your baby to come.
I had Bell's Palsey the first time when I was in 8th grade. I got it the second time shortly after my ex-husband and I splt. Had it the third time a few months ago, right after my ex-husband started harassing me again shortly before I got pregnant.
You can recover and never get it again. My cousin had it, too, so I'm fairly certain that it is genetics and stress related. You can, although I don't know anyone out of the several that has had it that didn't recover. I'm the only one that any of my doctors has diagnosed that has had it more than once.
Some people never have to worry about anything while they are pregnant and there are those of us that have the constant worries of little things that so many take for granted.
I hope this pregnancy goes well and that you and your friend have no more problems.
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