Ok, so if you've been reading my blog for a while, and especially if you know me in real life, you should know that I'm extremely mouthy/spunky/don't put up with crap, etc. Sometimes it really gets me in trouble and I really should learn to pick my battles more carefully. Case in point: I was at the grocery store today and was getting ready to turn right into a parking spot. This little BMW comes zooming down the aisle in the opposite direction and swings in right in front of me. I had to hit the brakes pretty hard to avoid hitting her. Here's where the picking battles thing comes in. I waited behind her car until she got out and said, "You know, you didn't have to almost cause an accident to take that spot. I would have let you have it." She looked at me and said, "Well, have a good day. And get some exercise." Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the smallest person on earth (and really don't give a damn) but I'm no freak of nature 1000 pound woman who needs her own show on the discovery channel. So, I said, "Are you kidding me? Have you actually looked in the mirror lately?" She responded with, "Well, at least I'm not as big as you". SERIOUSLY!! ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME!? My response, "You don't know anything about me and I do exercise. What does weight have to do with you being rude about that parking spot?" She said, "Well, I just want people to be healthy." And I said, "Well, at least I don't have an ugly effing face like you do!" And then I drove away. And yes, I did say the full on F word. And let me tell you, she was FUGLY! No kidding. I mean, trailer trash hair, just plain ole ugly!
Now, my question to you....why is it that people think that being fat/overweight/fluffy/whatever you want to call it, is THE absolute worst thing in the world. I'd rather be fat and pretty any day than kinda fat and look like a freakin toad! People throw that card out all the time and it just pisses me off! I know that I could have just kept my trap shut and avoided this entire scenario...I get that...truly I do. And in hindsight, I should have done just that. But still! ARRRGGHHHH!!! Now give me a snickers bar!!!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
You are too cute. I on the other hand would of backed my car right into her pretty little BMW. What a crock. Seriously. You are a better woman than I. I almost got into a fist fight with a bunch of highschool boys in a Taco Bell parking lot because they were being rude. hubby had to stop me and then speed off. LOL
OMG LEAH! You are spunky--that's why you are my friend!!! How rude. At least you stood up to her-and didn't let her words knock you down! You go, girl!
I would have said, Hey...I'm pregnant...not fat! hehe
You know, I would have died if I were in the car with you...ten years ago...I think now-I would have joined you in the "Bring It On" mode...
OH MY WORD - so rude!
I would have said at least once i've had this baby, I'll be thinner but you will still be rude AND ugly!
I have to agree about the ugly vs fluffy opinion. I would much rather be pretty and overweight than thin and ugly. Remember fat is only skin deep and ugly goes straight to the bone.
I laughed out loud at this post! I can identify with this on SO MANY levels! First you are BEAUTIFUL! Second, from my experience pregnancy makes everyone else in the world an idiot! I can not tell you of all my road rage adventures. It was all I could do not to get out of the car and scream at some lady that stole my gas pump at the Shell station back in August. I think Mark was a little afraid of me!
I KNOW! I just think - if fat is the worst they can call me, then I must be doing pretty good!
(ps; just found your blog and read the entire thing; CONGRATULATIONS! on both the pregnancy and the adoption!)
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