This has been a hectic week! I have had sooo much to do for school and I had a huge microbiology test. Have I mentioned that I HATE microbiology? It's just too much! My brain feels like it might explode for all the info I'm trying to pack in there.
We finally met with our social worker on Friday. She spent 10 minutes updating our home study and now, hopefully, we get our big meeting to get a transition plan in place scheduled. I'm tired of waiting! I can't wait to meet AB!!!
I had my 20 week appointment on Thursday. It was the fastest appointment ever and I even had a pap smear. Seriously, in and out in 15 minutes. My blood pressue was good (120/72), BB's heartrate was 162, and I've only gained 3! I can't believe it. I know it will catch up with me in the 3rd trimester. I am going to really have to be more careful! But, safe for now! We have another ultrasound schedule for Wednesday and I'm excited to see our little girl again. I'm terrified and excited all at the same time. Funny how that works, huh?
I've been feeling her move alot more. Once I felt her for the first time, it was days before I felt her again. But I've been feeling her off and on pretty much all day for the past few days. It's like someone is in there knocking. It is a really strange feeling but I love it. My husband got pissy this afternoon and started being loud and mouthy...for no reason! The dogs scattered as they normally do and BB started getting really active too. I told him that not only do the dogs want to run away from him when he's pissy, but BB is trying to run away too!! =)
We spent today looking at baby stuff. It was so weird. I hear that it can take 12 - 16 weeks to get furniture that you've ordered. So, I thought we might as well figure some things out. Again, weird!! We found what we want but aren't going to order it just yet. It's actually in stock now and hopefully it will be once we are ready to buy it. Oh, and that stuff is expensive!! Geez!!
I still find myself being fearful. Not so much about losing the baby at this point (although I will probably worry about that until she is born). I'm worrying more about something being wrong with her. I so wish I would have never had that 1st trimester screening done. I know the odds of her being just fine are good. But there's that little part of me that is scared to death! We haven't seen any indications of any problems yet, and I'm praying we don't see anything abnormal on our next ultrasound. I know there are "soft markers" for Down's, etc., and if we see any next week, we will figure out if we should have an amnio. I'm just praying for a healthy baby. Even if she's not, I'll love her just the same. I just want her life to be as normal and easy as possible.
Not too much else to report. Only 4 weeks left in this semester. I will be very happy to be done! But I have lots to do between now and then.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Okay, I'm jealous - only 3 pounds??? And we're exactly the same distance along. Hmmm!
Thank goodness BB is moving lots - it's fun, isn't it? Reassuring!
I wondered about the pap smear thing - someone asked me if I'd had one. No, I haven't - is it really necessary now while we're pregnant - had one just before the IVF in about August last year.
thanks for your comment on my blog. I checked out your history - you have really been through hell and I hope to check back and see baby pictures in the fall.
thanks again, it means so much to hear everyone's support
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