So, we are slowing inching towards meeting our little guy. We FINALLY got the paperwork in the mail. Once we get this back to AB's social worker we can hopefully set up our big meeting. I am so ready to meet him. I know we have had a fairly easy time with this. Yes, I feel like social workers are dragging their heels, but in reality, it's only been 2 months. I know some people wait for a year or more before meeting their children. But, he is older. The process is alot different. It shouldn't take this long! As Rebekah at Heart Cries says, my "mama heart" is bursting to meet our son! Hopefully we will be able to at least meet him in the next few weeks. Hopefully he will move into our home by June. Of course, that is MY time frame. I'll just have to remain patient! I am trusting God to keep him safe and healthy while we wait.
In other news, I am just absolutely slammed with school work. We have 2 weeks left in this semester and the instructors want to cram everything into these last 2 weeks. This could have been done throughout the semester, but no!! If I'm MIA for the next 2 weeks, you'll know why!
All is well with far as I know. I feel her moving off and on during the day. It is reassuring but that doesn't mean I don't check her heart beat now and then. I didn't feel her yesterday morning and decided to check on her. Once that doppler probe hit my belly she started dancing! I am feeling less terrified the further along I get. But I have read so many blogs where everything is fine on day and tragedy strikes the next. This is such a critical time for growing babies. I know some people relax at 24 weeks because babies can live at this point...sometimes. I think my milestone will be 30 weeks. I'm checking my blood pressure at home every few days just to be on the safe side. It's been really good so I'm thankful for that. I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks for my 24 week appointment! I can't even believe it. We are pretty much waiting to buy stuff until after 30 weeks too. We have a couple of things like a blanket, burp cloths, a couple of outfits..mostly from my wonderful friends. They are holding back too though, because they know how nervous I am. I'm telling them to just wait until my baby shower! I hate that I feel that way. It's getting better by day.
Edited to add: I think I just felt the baby hiccup! Is it too early for this? I felt these repetitive taps for about 30 seconds. Am I crazy?
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Oh how awesome for you! I'm so glad baby girl is doing well and that the adoption is going well, too! You and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers even though I haven't been around much lately.
Wow girl, and I thought *I* had a lot going on (7 months old twins, surprise pregnancy, finishing up my BA, working full time, etc). YIKES, girl...Hang in there hun. =)
Thinking about you and thrilled that things are progressing nicely. Lets catch up once classes are over as I too have finals to give...Take care and keep the faith!
I can not wait for the post that says he is home! I am so happy for you. Everything is coming together!
I hope you meet him soon and great news on the baby!
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