We finally bought BB a baby bed! It is in our bedroom and it looks great! She seems to like it so far! imagine it's much more comfortable than the pack n play.
The first time in her new bed!!!
We put up our Christmas tree on Sunday. AB was such a great helper! It's a slim line tree so it doesn't take up too much space. It's very sparkly with all of the ornaments on it.
I have been pretty busy with the holidays and just being a full time mama! It's wonderful. It is so hard to believe that this time last year I sobbed and sobbed because I just knew that I would never have children. What a difference a year makes....I am beyond blessed and thankful.
I start back to school in January. I'm looking forward to getting the ball rolling but I know it's going to be hard. My husband is going to watch the kids while I take a night class...physiology. It will be hard but I will do my best! Hopefully that will get me an A.
AB is doing great and we are just having the best time. Our little family is bonding and it feels so awesome! We are still shooting for his adoption to be finalized in February. I'm crossing everything I've got!
BB is doing great too. She still eats like a little bird...only 1.5 - 2 ounces at a time..most times. She will take 3 ounces once or twice a day...and then 4-5 ounces (on a good day) on her 11 pm bottle. She has been going to sleep around 6 pm.... there is no keeping her up when she's sleepy. I'll normally feed her around 8 and then again around 11. After her 11 pm bottle she sometimes will sleep for 4...maybe 5 hours. Then she's up every 2 or so hours until 8 am. I am exhausted and actually got a horrible migraine the other day. H had to come home from work so I could sleep it off. I slept for about 4 hours and was able to function a little after that. I could have slept for 5 days I think.
I have also developed (what I think is) plantar fasciitis. Imgaine the worst pain ever in your heels and walking makes it even worse. Yeah...fun times. That whole exercise thing I wanted to start? Definitely not happening right now. I have been walking my dogs but my heels absolutely kill me when I do. And getting up during the night? I can hardly walk. I don't mean to complain, but it hurts!!
So, here is an adorable photo I took of BB when we were at my in laws house. She woke up about 11 pm and was pretty awake. My mother in law was holding her and she posed like this. It was sooo funny! I took it with my cell phone because it was handy. I picture her saying something like, "What a day!"
This is a gorgeous Strausburg Children's dress that my mother in law bought. If you have never been to one of their stores, I would highly recommend you go! They have the most beautiful dresses. All smocked and beaded. Just gorgeous!
And finally, tummy time...score!! Normally BB screams her head off when she is on her belly. But today, she actually enjoyed herself for about 2 minutes!