Anyway, the baby was flipping and moving. It was soo cute. I swear there is an alien in there instead of a baby. I've scanned a picture of it's face but you can't really see it too well on the scan. I just have to share though. Here is my beautiful little alien!

That's my baby! Holy Cow! And notice the ticker...12 weeks. I can't even believe that I've made it this far. Thank you God! So, back to the scan. The tech couldn't get a good measurement of that little spot on the back of the head that they look for. BB (I've decided to call the baby this for now. My last name starts with a B so this is Baby B! Better than Bodette...) kept flipping over and she couldn't get a good measurement. We saw arms and legs and backbone. It's so amazing that BB is so little and we can see so much detail. The perinatologist (awesome guy! so sweet!) came in and was able to get a good measurement. He said that the line of fluid is very thin and that's what we want to see. It measured 1.1 and he said that's a great number. Of course, this doesn't completely rule out Down's Syndrome, but it's a good start. Apparently Down's babies have a thicker line of fluid..etc. Of course, I would love my baby no matter what. I have to go for yet another blood draw this afternoon after I see my OB. The peri said that everything looks great and he doesn't need to see my until 20 weeks unless my OB says so. The clot is gone and we are measuring right on track. Heartbeat was 163. Whew!!
After the peri talked to me I just burst into tears. It was like all of the stress of this first trimester just came out all at once. They were so sweet to me. The tech said that she's glad to see tears of joy because they've had a really bad week there. She was really happy for us and just hugged me before we left!! Such nice people.
I am going to talk to my OB today and try to get a game plan for the next 2 months. Of course, I will see her at 16 and 20 weeks. That's really not that far away! I think I will ask for weekly heartbeat checks at least through 16 weeks. I'll see how I feel at that point. I think I will be less fearful as time ticks on. Only 6 months to go. Seems like an eternity and a blink of the eye all at the same time.
I couldn't be more thankful for your support and love through all of this. I've had the best care that anyone could ever have and I know how fortunate I am. I've made the best friends of my life through this process and I am so grateful for you.
This is the best news EVER!!!!!
12 weeks - WOW!
I know what you mean!
After my appt, my friend texted me and said, "how do you feel?" and I said, "totally relieved and incredulous - I can't believe this is ME!!!"
Our pregnancies are both progressing beautifully, Leah; these babies were clearly designed by God :)
I NEEDED to hear this great news! How awesome it is that you're at 12 weeks!
What a wonderful post!!! Your baby is absolutely beautiful!!! I am so glad you had a great appointment! Now you are in the second trimester!! Woo Hoo!!!
I'm so freaking happy for you. I makes me all tingly inside.
Love you!
Thanks for sharing your site. I'm thrilled to be kept updated with BB's growth...Can't wait for BB and Baby G to become good friends soon!
Congrats on the great NT scan AND 12 weeks! That is just great!!
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