Ok, I was going to try not to blog about this, since everyone else in the world is....
Just curious...did you happen to watch Dr. Phil today? If you are anything like any other infertile that has been through the wringer with fertility treatments, you were probably bothered by the fact that everyone keeps talking about how the embryo's were implanted in this woman. We all scream, you idiots! They are transferred, not implanted!! Back to Dr. Phil...he said that the RE that COM used actually developed a procedure where he implanted the embryos into the uterine wall. So, wait a minute. He did implant them? Hmmmm....why hasn't anyone thought of this before? Have you ever heard of such a thing? If it is true, and it does work, why hasn't every RE in the universe been using this technique? Imagine what the success rates of IVF would be?
I'm so busy studying. I feel like it's all in vain but I'm trying! I really want to make good grades but sheesh! This is nutso! I have another OB appointment tomorrow, this time with the Dr. not the nurse. I"ll let you know how it goes. Back to studying and I have class tonight. Fun times.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Well, I can't stand Dr. Phil and I'm trying my hardest to stay away from this topic because there are so many stupid people that have an opinion that have no idea what IVF or infertility even means.
I had an argument with a family member yesterday about how woman that can't get pregnant has nothing to do with birth control. Her words was, "Well, if they can't get pregnant then they have to be on or have been on birth control." The only time I was on BC was when I was first diagnosed with PCOS and that was a very short few months because it made my health worse.
Sorry for the long comment...I just hate that there are some that have no clue and they think their opinion is right.
Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the appointment goes well.
I have actually heard of an embryo glue that is used by some re's. One of my friends in California is using it for her IVF next week! I wish they had that here in Michigan. Geesh! Octo mom drives me nuts! The whole thing does!
Good luck at your appointment!!!
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