Whew! I can finally almost breathe out of both nostrils. I really thought I was going to DIE on Thursday. My classmates kept looking at me and avoiding me at all costs. I apologized and promised them I was using the anti-viral kleenex. You know, the ones that kill 99.9999999% of germs? Yes, I took a box of tissues with me. But, thank you God!! I'm better!
Still exhausted. Not eating nearly as much as I was. I tell you, those first few weeks I was an emotional eater. Big time. I normally don't do that but by holy cow!! I think the eating frenzy has slacked off...especially since I have no appetite from being sick. I had chicken fajitas for lunch yesterday and homemade blueberry muffins for dinner. That's it. And veggies? Still can't do it. I'm feeling pretty nauseous again, thankfully. Weird how that makes us feel better in a strange way.
So, do you have a Waffle House where you live? I think it must be a southern thing. But, they have the BEST hash browns in the world. I had a patty melt and hash browns for lunch. Healthy, huh? And it was GOOOOD!! Again, haven't eaten anything since. I'm such a weirdo.
Class is still going pretty well. I really like my math class, which is completely out of character for me. It just makes me think in a different way and I really like it. It's like working a puzzle. I know, all math is that way, but this is actually clicking for me. I'm very glad! The microbiology class is hard right now. It's all about chemistry and I haven't taken chemistry since high school (5,000 years ago!) and I'm pretty sure I didn't do too well in it. If I can get past these 2 chapters on Chemistry, and not kill my teacher, this class might actually be ok. UGH!!!
My mom is going in for surgery tomorrow. She also has jacked up lady parts and is finally having them taken out. She had issues getting pregnant and has always had fibroids, etc. Her doctor finally told her that she thinks it's best for her to get everything out of there. They will cut her where her old C-section scars are (I'm sure I'll inherit this trait from her too..my RE told me I'll likely have to have a section because of my small pelvis. I wish someone would tell that to my hips!!) and it's a vertical incision. That's right folks..up and down. My poor mom. I hate that I can't be there for her. I'm sure she will be alright but it just sucks for her.
Still pregnant, as far as I know! The "bleeding" can't make up it's mind. Yesterday I had really dark brown spotting all day and today I've had none. It's good because that means it's shrinking. I'm ready for it to be gone, that's for sure. First OB visit on Tuesday and with additional ultrasound. Same story, different day. I'll update you asap.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
1 comment:
{{VIBES}} for your mom. Glad you a feeling a little better
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