When am I going to stop worrying? Probably never. Thank you God that we heard the heartbeat on doppler this morning. I went back to the room at about 11:15. The Medical Assistant said to another Med. Asst., "Can you get heart tones on her?" And I said, "Yes, can you?" She said she would be a few minutes so the MA working with me said she would try. She said she's not that good and that if she didn't find it not to panic. Well, she didn't. Then the other MA came in and found it in just a few minutes. Bodette's heart rate was 173. Mine was about 273. I'm so glad she could find it. I literally started crying and thanking her. LONG story short, everything is fine. Dr. understands my concern and told me to come in for a heartbeat check at any time. She told me not to get a home doppler because it would drive me nuts. She said she would be glad to do it at any time. Awww...guess that's what I get, being psycho and all. They wanted to to an ultrasound but couldn't get me in until 4 p.m. So, I went to class and then went back. Hubs got to go this time. The scan was great. Bodette was moving like crazy! Waving arms and kicking legs. It was just the most amazing thing to see. One of her profile pics looks like Homer Simpson. Maybe I'll post that one. =) The tech and the doctor both said everything looked great, baby is measuring right on track, clot is shrinking, and don't go crazy if you do happen to see some pink or red spotting. It doesn't mean the end is near. I know, I know, I know these things!
Anyway, my doctor wants to see me next week just to check on me and make sure my nerves are ok. She is really precious!
In dog news, Lucy had to go back to the vet for the day. Her medicines were upsetting her stomach in a bad way. They gave her fluids and stomach meds. I have to pick her up at 7 pm. I feel so sorry for her. Needless to say, today has been hectic! More later. Thanks for your prayers and good vibes coming my way. Almost out of the 1st trimester. NT scan next Wednesday.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Yah!!!!! Glad everything is great!! :)
Oh honey, Thank the Lord!!! Congrats on a great ultrasound! I am so sorry Lucy is not feeling well. I hope she feels better soon.
I have been checking your blog all day waiting for an update. Glad everything is good and that you can go in at any time for a heartbeat check
So glad everything is ok!
I am so, so glad everything is okay - I am still waiting patiently for my next appt (exactly 12 weeks on 18th)
I am so glad you are getting to experience this!!! It truly is amazing:) I think about all the loss-and it's wonderful that you get to hear the heart beat on doppler!!!!! Will you be able to transfer this blog to a book????
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