This whole homework/studying thing is for the birds! Why can't I just get my degree by simply wanting it? I know....anything worth having is worth the work. Right? I took my math test this morning and feel pretty good about it. My microbiology test is tomorrow. This is the one where I'm supposed to know everything about everything. The teacher didn't even cover 2 of the 6 chapters we are supposed to know. He said that we should just know it on our own. Then why are we paying tuition for you to teach us? Don't even get me started on this guy. Quite possibly the worst teacher I've ever had.
Not too much else going on. We had a quiet weekend full of studying. My husband is working on his MBA so he has tons of homework to do. We aren't big Valentine's day folks so we basically got each other a card and I made dinner. The dinner was ok but the chocolate molten lava cakes were fabulous! And so easy to make. YUMMY!!
My nerves are calming down a good bit. The closer I get to the 2nd trimester the better I feel. Plus the weekly ultrasounds have been a plus. I know how blessed I am...don't think I don't! My 12 Week NT scan is on Wednesday morning and I see my doctor again Wednesday afternoon. I hope to get a plan in place regarding ultrasound, heartbeat checks, etc. I think if I can go in once a week to check the heartbeat that I'll be ok. I'm not going to beg for ultrasounds. Once I feel the baby move, the doppler won't be necessary! I'm sure my OB will regret offering to do this for me soon! =) Still having progesterone issues. Not sure if I told you this, but my p4 was 40 on Monday. RE said to lower my dosage of suppositories to once a day. Then I spotted on Wednesday and we checked P4 again. It was down to 20. YIKES!! RE said to just stay on the same once a day dosage but I was like, I don't think so! I went back to twice a day. I went back for more labs today so we'll see where we are. See the trend with the blood draws? My arms are really bruised. I've averaged 2 draws a week (mostly more) since the day I found out I was pregnant. I have literally lost count at this point. Hopefully I won't have to do it much longer. It's not so doesn't even really hurt.
I know I haven't updated about our adoption situation in a while. There really isn't too much to say. We have submitted a home study on 4 different children. From what our social worker has told us, once 100 families are interested they close down the posting. Well, at least 2 of the 4 have at least 100 families interested. It really makes me wonder if we'll ever get a chance to adopt. I think about these kids all of the time and see their picture in my mind over and over. I imagine what they would be like and hope they know that there people are out there who want to love them and be their parents. It's a sad thing. And we have to just wait and wait and wait. God willing, we will get a placement soon. And yes, we are moving ahead with this even though I am pregnant. I know it will be hard, blah blah blah, but I'm ready for a house full of children. My house has been silent for too long.
Hope you are all doing well. I'll update you after my scan on Wednesday.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
1 comment:
I also can't WAIT for Wed! I would love to see some belly pics so I don't feel so alone exposing myself :)
2 quick things:
you need to change your profile wording because you're pregnant :)
how come you're studying again?
BTW, you are so sweet - I love what you said about adopting because your house has been quiet too long!
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