OUCH! I feel like absolute crap. Have you seen that commercial where the lady is walking down the street but instead of having her own head she has a teddy bear head? That's kinda how I feel...if the teddy bear were a balloon and it was stretched to the max. I'm whining...I know. But I really don't feel good!! And I'm too scared to take anything. I know I can but I'm trying to hold out. I keep hoping that this is the worst and I'll only get better from here.
My OB's office called me back today. I have a nurse appointment scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 3 at 1:30. Right in the middle of my Microbiology class. I hate to miss it. Especially since these appointments are typically a waste of time. But at least I'll have a scan after the appointment. I talked to the nurse today and told her what has been going on and she wanted to scan me right away. Yippee!! I'm excited to get a good, clear ultrasound. They haven't been that clear at my RE's office so I'm looking forward to seeing more detail. Of course, the obsessing and worrying has already started but I'm hanging in there. I'll try to remain calm! My nausea has been pretty mild this week. I've only felt it a few times since Saturday. Either it's going away or I'm too sick to notice it. Anyway!! My next appointment is on Thursday, Feb. 12. I'll actually see the doctor that day. I'm sure I'll have to get all violated. After all, it is time for my yearly pap smear. YAY!
I'm going to go put a pin in my head and see if it releases any pressure!! Toodles!
P.S. Am I crazy for posting a pregnancy ticker? Yikes!!!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
I'm so sorry you feel bad. I'm so excited that you have been graduated to the OB. Can't wait until your next ultrasound. Feel better soon!
That's great that you added the pregnancy ticker! I've always wanted the floating baby on my blog, too, but can't seem to make it with with Wordpress.
Looking forward to updates. Feel better soon!
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