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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Houston, we have a heartbeat!

I went in for my ultrasound today and was so nervous I could barely breathe. My husband couldn't be there because of a training class he's doing for work. I hate that he couldn't come but hopefully he'll be able to see lots of ultrasounds down the road. Thankfully, Keri and Kellye came in with me to wait for the doctor. She was running about 15 minutes behind schedule and I would have just lost it if it wasn't for their company. We got right to the ultrasound and she said everything looked good. Then the most beautiful words..."there's the heart beat!". I am measuring 7 weeks 0 days which is right on track. The heart rate was good but I decided not to post it and not to ask Dr. Google if it's ok. I decided that I'm not going to obsess. Then I got to hear it! I had tears in my eyes and my knees started shaking so bad! I had to literally squeeze my dr. between my knees to be still! Nice, huh? Believe me, no one was more surprised than me! I was pretty much preparing for the worst but secretly hoping for the best. The strange "mass" is still there and we still have no idea what it is. Dr. said she's never seen anything like it before. But, the good news is, it hasn't grown. If the mass stays the same size and the baby continues to grow, no problems. It's less than 1 cm so it's very small. That's what we are hoping for. We didn't address the blood clot but I haven't had any more bleeding in 2 days. I will ask her about it next week.

We go back next Wednesday to recheck and I am praying that God continues to let this little miracle grow. Poor little thing has had so many things going on that it must be a fighter already! That's what I'm telling myself anyway. I truly appreciate your support and for hanging out with me on the nauseating roller coaster ride that is my life. I know it is still early and I'm sure I'll freak out before next Wednesday, but today, at this moment, I am happy. Please continue to send up prayers for us. This is definitely a miracle in the making.


Eskimo_Kisses_4_U said...

Such wonderful news. I've been checking off and on today between appointments waiting for your news.

A heartbeat is the most beautiful sound. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that you will have a lifetime of beautiful sounds from this little miracle.

Take it easy and remember to try not to stress too much (I know easier said than done).

stacey said...

OMG!!!! How exciting for you!!! Congrats again:-)

Anonymous said...

I am so truly happy that today was a good day and that you had good news!!!! I was so excited when I saw the little flickering of the heartbeat today and my knees were shaking too! Thank you for letting me be by your side today during your sono and be there with you throughout your journey. I will continue to pray every day for you and your miracle.

Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

That is GREAT news! so so happy.

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO excited for you Leah. I know exactly what you mean when you say the joy of seeing the pregnancy test show positive has been robbed from you. I have felt that way during my own pregnancy. As someone who can relate to how you are feeling, all I could do during the early months of my pregnancy was to try to keep busy and keep my mind off of where it ALWAYS tried to go: "obsessing over if I would keep this baby." I prayed to God every second my mind tried to go there and I still do. Everytime I say a prayer for my own babies, I say one for your baby and for your comfort during this time. You are in my thoughts and prayers many times during the day. Keri's friend, Kristi

Anonymous said...

Just like Keri said, I'm so glad that I could be there with you today. I think my heart stopped for a good 5 or 6 minutes. :) Today was a good day, let's pray for a million more.

Echloe said...

Oh so glad that everything is looking good for you. I felt the exact same things as you. It is so stressful when you are expecting the worst. Wouldn't it be nice to be innocent and able to think positively.

Marcia (123 blog) said...

oh wow you have a miracle!!!

it sounds like you've been having "drama" like I have - I am trusting God DAILY.

I'll be praying for you, Leah

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting to hear this news for you!! Praying for you!