My, how she's grown!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Calm? Yeah, right.

I think the freak out started before I even hit "publish post" on my last entry. Wednesday seems like an awful long time away (Ultrasound is Wednesday at 9:30). I go for labs on Monday, just to check progesterone and estrogen. No more of this HCG business. I'm nauseous most of the time, and if I get brief moments of relief, I freak out. I know that there is nothing I can do either way, and what will be will be. I just wish I could stop and enjoy this. Seeing and hearing that little heart beat did something to me. It made me want to be a better, healthier person. I have a little being living inside of me, with a beating heart. That is crazy! I just don't want to lose it. I keep promising it that I will take good care of it and give it everything it needs. Just please stick around and let me prove it! I keep thinking that the worst will happen, but I've been seriously surprised many times already. There is an equal chance that this could have a good outcome. That's what I'm praying for.


ASHLEY said...


Eskimo_Kisses_4_U said...

I hope for that, too. Try to take it easy and get plenty of rest.

peesticksandstones said...

So happy to hear you got a heartbeat! I had waited sooooooo long to get mine -- it truly still takes my breath away every time.

Hang in there! That barfy feeling is the strangest -- but I did find it incredibly comforting. Even still, when I gag brushing my teeth it reminds me that the baby is probably okay. Wishing you all the best.

Echloe said...

Yep. Get lots of rest and drink lots of water. And up your fruits and veggies. That is probably the best you can do for your little one right now. Especially since you feel yucky.

I think the worst is constantly feeling like you are about to vomit. It makes it hard to eat anything. Hang in there. You are already being a good mommy.

Jill said...

Good luck tomorrow!