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Saturday, January 10, 2009

I feel psycho

My thoughts have been all over the place this weekend. I hate being in this state of limbo, waiting to see if this pregnancy will make it. I know that if we have a good ultrasound this week that it will only give me comfort for about 5 seconds. Why can't this be easy? Heck, why can't anything be easy? I hate that we have to wait so long between ultrasounds. I know why we do give the baby a chance to grow, but it stinks!

Not much else going on. My symptoms are still here...and for that I'm grateful. I stay nauseous most of the day but it's especially bad at night. I'm so, so tired too. I went to bed before 10 pm last night and slept until 9 o'clock this morning. I'm having a hard time taking it easy. For those of you who have had to do bed rest, I don't know how you do it. I commend you for it more than I can say. I've had one day of laying around and am already tired of it! Ha!

Please keep the prayers, good vibes, etc., coming. I need them for the health of this pregnancy, my sanity, my husband's sanity!


Newfitmommy said...

ah...I have never seen you be a person to "relax & chill out" at, I know this is so difficult for you! Maybe, you can take up knitting...or something like that! hehe

Eskimo_Kisses_4_U said...

Lots of movies and a new hobby. It is ok to feel psycho even though you aren't. This has got to be so hard for you. YOu and the little one are still in my thoughts and prayers.