I had my OB appointment today. It wasn't much different that the heart beat checks I have been having. I saw the nurse practitioner and she is precious. I didn't even ask what my blood pressure was, and I'm only up 1 pound in 4 weeks. How in the world is that possible? I walk every day but I've been eating like a horse! I'm grateful! BB's heart rate was 170 and my uterus is right under my belly button. No pap smear yet since I've been on progesterone for 100 years. I'll be the only pregnant woman in the world to have a pap smear at 20 weeks. I feel like I'm starting to pop out. I can no longer suck in my stomach. I love it though. I scheduled my 20 week anatomy scan for April 15. Just under 4 weeks away. You think I can go that long without seeing a doctor? I'm going to try! I am just praying that all the parts are there and in the right place. I think I will be able to start enjoying this pregnancy a little more once I know that everything looks ok. Pregnancy is not for the faint of heart!
I spoke with my social worker yesterday about the pregnancy. She was excited for us and said that she doesn't think it will sway the decision at all. She will tell AB's social worker when the time is right...in a couple of weeks, but she said if it were her, she would be ok with it. Especially since AB is older and hasn't had issues being around other children. Some kids have major issues and definitely need to be an only child. But not AB. I'm excited to get his case file and learn more about him. He could be in our home in 2 months! I can't even believe that we are having to talk about child care for the summer while I'm in school and what kind of furniture we are going to buy and how we are going to handle everything! It's so exciting!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Everything just seems to be going so wonderful for you! That makes me so very happy!! I can't wait to hear what you are having. How exciting!
yay for 16 weeks and yay that the social worker does not think the pregnancy will affect your placement. Can't wait for him to be home with you!
I'm so glad the social worker thinks it's all going to be fine!
My 20-week scan is also on 15 April at 20 weeks exactly!
OM goodness. You are just rolling right along. Talk about exciting!!!
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