Got a call from our social worker. No decision was made at today's meeting. We will not know anything until next week. There is one person that has to review all of the home study's before a decision can be made. So, we wait. We did get a little more info on our little guy. He's been through a lot to be so young. Sorry I can't really share too much on here.
I know many of you are probably thinking that we are crazy for adopting while expecting a baby. Believe me, we've thought about it more than you have. I wasn't pregnant, nor did I think I ever would be, when we started this process. We even talked about it with our social worker during our home study. She knew we were trying to get pregnant and asked if we would drop out if that happened. I told her no. We've already made a commitment to the child we are going to adopt. It has to be made before you even meet your child. My being pregnant doesn't change my desire to adopt a child and give him the best life I can. Our little guy needs major stability. He's been bounced around for have most foster children. Will it be difficult to become a new mom? Absolutely. Do we learn as we go? Absolutely. I imagine having a 9 year old and a new born at the same time will be much easier than having twins! At least the 9 year old can take care of himself in so many ways!! Plus, we haven't even been chosen yet. I hope and pray that we are, but we just don't know. I am ready to be a mother. I've been ready for years now. This is the most exciting time of my life and I'm ready! Bring it on!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
I hope you get an answer soon, I hate limbo land
You are amazing! Thanks for sharing the latest scoop. Prayers going up now.
I think it's cool you're doing both at once. You'll never have known any different so it'll kinda be like having twins. Meaning, moms of one kid always say they don't know how they'd EVER do twins, but to me it's because they don't know any different. Same with twin moms - it's all they've known, and they survive too. You'll do great. You'll be tired. But who cares. It'll all be worth it.
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