I had some spotting last night, just a little pink, and only once, but it terrified me. Oh, and on our anniversary of all things. Poor hubby. I called the nurse this morning and she said I could come in for a heart beat check. I rolled out of bed, without even showering, and went. Heart beat was there and strong but they wanted to send me for an ultrasound anyway. I never want to see spotting but I can view it as a blessing. I was able to see my baby sooner than later and know that she is ok. Everything looked great....organs, heart, bones, spine, brain....I was just thanking God that everything was good. She's measuring right on track and was moving and shaking. I can't wait to feel it! The ultrasound tech was amazing and carried on a conversation with me the entire time...about random stuff. Which I appreciated! It kept my mind off of the scariness of the ultrasound! She was trying to get the money shot but baby was sitting cross legged with her feet under her bottom. She looked like a little pretzel! The tech said she had an idea of the gender but couldn't see 100%. I asked what she thought and she said she thought it was a girl. So, she went to get the doc and he said everything looked great. He also said he saw "girl stuff" and that here is "no weenie". HAHA! He's the nicest man...from East Texas so he has that comfortable drawl that I love so much. Reminds me of being back in Alabama. He showed me the 3 little lines that they look for. Can't really see it on the photo but I could see it on the scan. I go back in 4 weeks. My big scan was scheduled for the 15th but he said to push it back a week and go on the 22nd. Whew!!! Here's my baby girl!

Thank you God for your many blessings! I'm going to have a son and a daughter in the next 5 months. Wow! I'm surely going to lose my mind!
We are still waiting for our big meeting to see when we get to meet AB. Hopefully it will be in the next couple of weeks. Yay!!
Ok...off to take a shower!
And just for fun....here is her arm!
She's so perfect!
I'm so excited to have a new little princess in my life. She's going to be so spoiled rotten!
Oh my goodness!! Look at your baby girl!!! What a blessing. She is beautiful!
YAH!!!! Isn't fun to KNOW. Now you can go crazy with your plans. She is precious! :)
Oh Leah, I am SOOOOOOOO HAPPY for you - a little girl and a big boy to protect his sister.
Makes me all emotional and teary to even think about it!
Go team PINK (and BLUE)!!
You *are* blessed, congrats!!!
Congratulations on your baby girl. How exciting. Pink pink pink is all I can think of when I hear baby girl. Hopefully that spotting will stop though. It is so nervewracking. But at least everything is o.k. with your daughter.
And Leah, thank you thank you thank you for your comments on my post. I feel a lot better now.
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