So, I decided to go to the mall today. I forgot how much I really hate shopping and hate the mall even more. I let my eyes wander towards baby stuff but just for a moment. Not at clothes, but at furniture and bedding. I could only look for a minute because I started freaking out. You know, kinda felt like a fraud. I KNOW I am 4 months pregnant but I wish my uterus would tell my brain. Even with that knowledge and the fact that I can no longer suck in my stomach, it still doesn't feel real. When, if ever, will I actually be able to enjoy this?
I also got up the nerve to go into Motherhood Maternity. Yikes! I actually found one shirt on clearance for $9.99 and decided to buy it. I almost had a panic attack. But, I kept telling myself that I will need it soon enough. Oh, and there was a girl in there shopping and she asked how far along I was. (She was visibly pregnant and she told me she was 7 months) When I told her I was 4 months she kinda rolled her eyes and said in a really snotty voice "Just wait..." I debated on punching her in the face but decided that wasn't a good idea. So, instead I told her that I was actually very excited about being pregnant and that I have a history of miscarriage and infertility and that this pregnancy was touch and go at first but now we are ok. I told her that I was looking forward to every aspect of pregnancy thankyouverymuch!! Stupid people. When I paid for my shirt the girl behind the counter decided to sign me up for some pregnant woman's club where I got a goody bag with a sample of Desitin and a bottle. ???? I'm supposed to keep up with a sample of desitin and one bottle for 5 more months? Interesting.
One more random fingernails are growing so fast that I literally feel like I'm typing with talons. I have always been lucky in the fingernail department. But now? Seriously! I have to file them down at least twice a week! Is it just the prenatal vitamins? Or a combo of that and pregnancy?
16 week, 1 day appointment on Thursday.
Waiting to hear from our social worker about our little guy. Eeekkk!!!!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Is it wrong that I totally own a maternity shirt?
It was on sale for 2 or 3 bucks at Target and it's super comfy. Gotta love the sales!
One day we'll go nuts at Babies R Us for sweet baby. Granted, baby may be 3 months old, but we're so there! :)
Good for you for telling that snotty bi-otch. Some people have diahhrea of the mouth! And I can't believe you are 15 weeks!!!!!
oh, I'm loving your sass!
I also have a confession - I finally got some maternity clothes. My beloved casual pants no longer fit so I had to do something drastic.
don't worry - I also feel like a fraud!
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