My social worker called today and left a message on my cell phone. She said that she had something to tell us and to call her back as soon as possible. OH MY GOSH!!! I had to leave her a message and she finally called back. She said that she got an email today from the case worker of a child that we submitted a home study on. The case worker really liked our home study and said it was her favorite out of all the studies received (over 1oo!). While this is great news, we haven't been officially chosen. The next step involves a staffing meeting to review the top 3 family choices for the child. And we are included in that 3!! We will know more on Friday about when the staffing is going to be. In the meantime, we are to make a family book for the child. Basically a scrap book/photo album for him to look at if we are chosen, and for the staffing folks to see during their meeting. HOW FUN! I am trying to stay calm because we haven't been chosen yet, but this is a great step in the right direction. And notice, I said 'him'. We have been most interested in girls, but this little guy came along and we really liked him. He's a cutie. 9 years old, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, beautiful skin! I've never seen my husband more excited! I'll keep you posted.
Oh and because any excitement in my life always seems to be followed by drama, we got the results of our first trimester screening bloodwork today. I am at an "increased" risk from the norm of having a child w/ downs syndrome. I was told that the normal result is 1/160. I have been asking Dr. Google and these results tend to be different across the board. One website said 1/230 was normal? Not sure if the 1/160 is in my age group or what. ANYWAY, my risk is 1 in 69. Of course I know that this is just a screening, not a diagnosis, blah, blah, blah...and that once you turn 35 the odds go up just because. Even if my child did have Downs I would love it and give it the best care possible. I just really hope and pray that BB is completely normal and doesn't have to live with any type of issues. It's just really hard to have special needs in this world....and I worry most about the baby. Not what would I do, but how would my baby handle it. I'm just leaving it in God's hands. There is nothing I can do and nothing I would do either way.
At least the actual ultrasound measurement was very low at 1.1. That gives me some assurance!
We will just see what happens at our 20 week anatomy scan and just go from there.
Please keep us in your prayers! Say a prayer too for our little guy. He doesn't even know that there is a family out there that desperately wants to be his parents. I hope he knows how much he's already loved. =) We would love to be his parents, but ultimately he needs the family best suited for him. Sigh....
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Ok first, I truly believe that sweet baby is going to be perfect. Baby has been through enough already, he/she is already a little miracle. :)
Second, I'm so excited about the little boy. It made me tear up a little to think that he's going to find his family to love him. So amazing!
wow!! what a post! I am really wishing you the very best on both areas.
It should be fun making the family book :) Can't wait to hear updates
oh, I soooo hope they choose you for that little boy :) I can just picture your hubby's excitement.
My word - I'll have to ask my doc for the exact measurements - I was just so glad to hear "everything's fine" that I didn't even bother further.
And I'm 34, will be 35 a week before the babes are born.
But you are right - I said to the doctor that it didn't matter if one or both of them had Down's - I'm not terminating. Life is God's to give. All it will do (the knowing) is better prepare us :)
I will be praying for you honey. Both for the little guy who needs to live with you guys because you are so wonderful. AND your little bean in your tummy. This world is such a crazy place but I also know you are going to be one great mommy!
Oh, and YES, that is a lot of follistm. AND they are 900IU. They are starting me out on 450IU a night for the first three nights! Holy moly!! We'll see where it goes!
Good luck sweetie!
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