Sooner rather than later! I got the call from my social worker today. We've been chosen to adopt our little guy! (I'll call him AB for now) We are beyond excited and couldn't be happier! We should receive his file next week and will be able to see what issues, if any, he has. Once we review those records, we give our official answer. Of course it will be yes! After that, we will schedule and adoption staffing and meet with his case worker, foster parents, therapist, etc. to put a transition plan in place and ask questions, get to know AB and what he likes/dislikes. Once that plan is in place, we will visit with him a few times and then he will come live with us. I'm guessing that this will take at least 2 months. Of course, this whole thing happened much faster than I thought so who knows! But we are ready.
I emailed my social worker today and told her that I was pregnant. I don't think it will make a difference, but I needed to let her know. I pray it doesn't make a difference. I still want AB to be my son!
I'm definitely looking forward to hearing BB's heart beat again on Thursday. Oh, forgot to tell you, I'm STILL on progesterone! This has got to be a record. We have been weaning me off but my levels went down hill weekly...44, 42, 32, 22...I'm still on one 200 mg supp. every other day. I'm praying it doesn't drop any more. What happened to this placenta kicking in and doing it's job? I've been told that as long as the number is between 18-25 that all is well...especially in the 2nd trimester. I'll be glad to be done with blood draws, that's for sure!
Please continue to send good vibes and prayers our way. I'm so very anxious about so much right now. It's a good anxious, for the most part!
PS - If you are my face book friend please do not post anything about this on my wall. Still haven't told everyone about the adoption. Thanks!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
oh my goodness!!! You're going to be a busy lady. Congrats:)
Leah, I'm so jealous!!! :) You a re going to be such a great mom! I can't wait to me the little guy!!! Now, Mackenzie will have someone to play with when we come to visit! Yeah;) You didn't tell me about your progesterone, girl...keep taking it! That is crazy...
This is such great news!!!!! I am so happy for you!
WOOOHOOO, I'm so happy for you guys!
You are going to be an awesome mother to both kids!
Oh, here they do scans at 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and then I think 32, then you start going in every two weeks for a bit, and from 36 every week. My doc told me today if you make it to Aug, we'll consider that a job well done! (that's 36 weeks)
THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!! Congratulations to you honey!!! I am so excited for you. You are going to be the best mommmy ever!!
Hey Leah!!! Greg and I are so happy for know adoption is obviously near and dear to our hearts and we know how God has been planning your reunion with your son forever! We are by no means experts...and never will be...but, if you need to talk just email or call us!
I'm just a lurker but I wanted to say I'm so excited for you! I hope everything works out wonderfully for you, your DH, and AB.
I've been considering adoption lately and I love reading your experiences.
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