We got the final word today that my pregnancy will not affect adopting AB! I'm so excited! It's the one thing that has had me holding my breath! Well, besides the pregnancy itself. I was really worried that his social worker would say no once she heard the news. But she sent her congratulations and said she see's no reason why we can't move ahead. WOO HOO!! We hope to have our big meeting in the next week or two. Then we get to meet our boy! I am super duper excited about that. I can't imagine what it's going to be like and how nervous we will be. Yay!!
The pregnancy is moving right along. I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow. I still can't even believe it. I'm still nervous and sometimes I get so overwhelmingly terrified that I literally just have to stop and force myself to breathe. Just like any mother, I want my baby to be healthy and for everything to be ok. I pray that this baby doesn't have any genetic disorders and that all the organs are in place and in proper working order. I think once I have my big scan I will know more and can hopefully start to enjoy this pregnancy.
I talked to an advisor today, just to get the layout for my summer classes, etc. When I talked to an advisor in December I was told (and it was on the website) that the deadline for registering for nursing school for the spring term was July 15. Well, I knew this wouldn't work because I will not have my remaining 2 classes finished by then. Can you believe they changed the dates? The deadline in now August 17. If I finish up my classes by August 13 then I can apply to start the program in January. If I get accepted that is. Worst case scenario, I stick with my original plan of starting in August 2010. Think I'm crazy for wanting to start nursing school with what will be a 4 month old baby and a 10 year old new little boy? Yeah...exactly. I'll definitely have to play this by ear. But, it's exciting news!
Ok, gotta go study!
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
I've been thinking about you over the past few days, so I'm glad to read an update.
I'm so happy that things seem to be falling into place for you!
Love you!
Leah, I'm soooooooooooooo happy about that!
Yip, we're doing great - you and I - 17 weeks today.
I need to post a new picture because these babies are GROWING!
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