I have been having THE most bizarre dreams. Most of them I can't remember, but some of them just leave me shaking my head in disbelief! Two of the most recent ones...I dreamed that the singer Rhiana (sp?) gave birth to identical twin goats. Then she proceeded to breast feed them. After seeing her do this, I realized that I needed to pump (although I don't have a baby to feed yet!). Do you remember those playdough toys where you put the dough inside and squish down and it looks like hair coming out of the toy's head? Yeah, well that's what happened to my boobs. White playdough came out. AAACK!!! Then I squeezed again and it looked like I turned on a faucet...milk gushing out. I think I woke up gagging!!
Oh, and today? Tiger Woods called and asked me to meet him for lunch at Casa Chapala (Mexican rest. here in Austin). I told him I was busy.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
7 years ago
Ok, that was hilarious!!!! You crack me up! I can't wait to hear the next one!
If it ever actually happens that Tiger Woods wants to meet you for lunch, be sure to call me too. :)
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